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The Florida Power Electronics Center



The Florida Power Electronics Center (FPEC) at the University of Central Florida was established by Professor Issa Batarseh in 1998 with infrastructure equipment funds from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and industry to carry on research, development, and commercialization of renewable energy systems. The Center’s mission is to develop advanced clean energy conversion and electric storage technologies to achieve significant improvements in power density, efficiency, reliability, safety, and cost. In 25 years, the Center’s research has resulted in highly cited publications and hundreds of presentations at international and national conferences. Dr. Batarseh has graduated and supervised more than 100 students since the Center was established. Additionally, the Center has been the launch pad for several spin-off companies and has generated more than 40 U.S. patents and signed five license agreements with three companies launched by Dr. Batarseh, including Petra Solar (renamed Petra Systems), ApECOR, and Protium Power Systems.


Summary of Key Research Projects

Dr. Issa Batarseh
Founder and Director, FPEC

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida 32816-2362

Phone: 407-823-0185

Fax: 407-823-5835


Brief Biography

 Full CV (PDF Format)

